Respiratory disease outbreaks in dogs are becoming more and more prevalent every day. There has been an increase in complicated respiratory cases in the last year or so, with …
Is your pet suffering from osteoarthritis? Without treatment OA can cause reduced mobility, but it can also cause severe pain. Have you noticed any of the following in your …
What is the dog flu? Canine influenza (also known as dog flu) is a contagious respiratory disease in dogs caused by specific Type A influenza viruses known to infect …
Within our homes are dozens of substances and food products that, while safe for human use and consumption, are toxic or deadly for our pet companions. While many of …
Many people who have pets understand that they quickly become part of the family. Unfortunately, many people don't understand the importance of fire pet safety, in fact, it is …
Heartworm disease is generally considered a condition that only affects dogs, but many other mammal species can suffer from it or act as carriers. Heartworms have been known to …